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Children's Garden: Mission Statement

“The St. Paul’s Children’s Garden exists to provide an interactive play area and working laboratory where parents and teachers can instruct children on the planting and harvesting of a variety of plants; the care and maintenance of a garden as well as the preservation of nature and ecosystem. In doing so we will also introduce children to many life long values such as hard work, perseverance, patience, respect, stewardship etc.”


The St. Paul’s Children’s Garden Committee exists to support the Garden’s Mission with the following objectives:


  • To assure that this Garden environment is safe and well maintained. To this end we will schedule workdays for all parents to participate in throughout the school year.

  • To encourage communication between the faculty, committee members, parent community and school director through regular meetings, newsletters and web site.

  • To provide formal and informal opportunities for children and their families to visit the Garden through class visitations and holiday celebrations.

  • To help and encourage faculty members to use the Garden on a regular basis by providing parent liaisons to each class.


Bishop John Bruno from the Episcopal Church Diocese of Los Angeles has encouraged every parish/church in L.A. and Orange County to plant vegetables in any available plot or container to help to feed the hungry within each community. Our Children's Garden as well as the Church's Community Garden hosted a workshop and training in regard to this subject. Speaker Tim Alderson was amazed at our headstart and the beauty of the Children's area ("best in the state"). Check it out here.


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